For example:
1. A few years ago I found a lump in my throat. They had to remove the entire right side of my thyroid to get it out. I was told I could have permanent voice damage and insufficient thyroid. It was biopsied and determined to be benign. My voice was fine and when they checked my thyroid levels, they determined my left thyroid picked up the slack. It coulda been worse.
2. The time we were hit by a drunk driver and went through a power pole. We had just bought a brand new van and had one baby in the car. But none of us were injured any more than bumps and bruises. Yes, our van was totaled, but it coulda been MUCH worse.
3. The kids got a hold of a knife today and cut through one of the couch pillows, a wipes container, and then somehow cut Bridger's forehead open. There was quite a bit of blood (Jared took care of that - see #1). But a bandage took care of it. It coulda been worse.
4. All of my labors and deliveries of my children. They were intense, but they weren't long. The progressed (more or less) exactly as I planned, aside from being 2 days over due (#2), having one Christmas Eve and 13 months apart! (#3), needing some stitches (#2 and #3), needing antibiotics (#2), having high blood pressure (#1), etc etc. But really, those things are minor compared to what could have happened. I heard about one woman who had twins - one vaginally and one C-section - so really, it coulda been worse!
5. Kincade got into some prenatal vitamins (with iron) awhile ago. I called poison control and had to count the number of pills. Luckily he hadn't eaten enough to be concerned. I had to wake him up a few times just to make sure he was responding ok, but it coulda been worse!
6. For every sickness, tantrum, late night, early morning, busy day, difficulty, trial, and everything coulda been worse.
Anyways, I'm grateful for being able to say "it coulda been worse!"
What a great idea! Love all the thankfuls :)
ReplyDeleteTender mercies, for sure. I love this post!