Friday, November 27, 2009

Thirty Things to be Thankful For #27

I'm thankful for pictures. It's hard to imagine that a short many years ago, pictures were extremely uncommon and very expensive, I'm sure. It's so amazing that I can now take hundreds of pictures each year. Even when I was a kid, I remember cameras and camcorders being such a big deal. And then to get the pictures printed was also expensive. Now there's so much competition for picture-printing (you can even do it right from your own home!). But now I don't have to worry if the picture I took was really worth printing, because I can keep all of my pictures on my computer to use and print anytime I like. Here are some of my favorite pictures (I have too many favorites to show them all):

Bridger - Thanksgiving '07

Cousins at New Year's Eve - Bridger, Rilla, Riley

Bridger's newborn photo shoot - Courtesy of Still Life Photos and good friend Matt Wheeler ( This photo shoot is where the "crying pictures" came from that I have up in my house.

Kellen in New York '06

holding Kincade

These pictures really are worth a thousand words. They were all taken the same day. And you can see what Jared was doing in the last picture.

(By the way, I'm sure this was actually my fault. And it was worth the grief of cleaning it up because I LOVE these pictures. They make me smile every single time I look at them.)

1 comment:

  1. O.K. You HAVE to post this on the family journal blog!!!! I am laughing so hard.


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