Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My "Quirky" Bridger

I just have to dedicate another post to my quirky middle child, Bridger.  He is his own person to be sure.  Everyone at the Easter egg hunt was laughing about his clothes being backwards:

I had to explain that his clothes are like that every single day and his underwear is also backwards.  Therefore, I have to assume it's on purpose and not just a mistake.  Actually, sometimes he puts his shirt on the right way.  But the underwear and shorts are ALWAYS on backwards.

I love how he yells "WAHOO" when he does something exhilarating.  He never uses "wheee" and always yells "wahoo" instead.  When he jumps from high places (not too high, just the bed), he yells "Advernture's Away."  When you call him ANYTHING besides Bridger, he always corrects you that he's Bridger but it sounds like, "I'm Bidga."  Strangers never understand him. 

He thinks "3 years old" is "3 yours old" so when he says it about himself he says, "I'm 3 my old."  It's so cute I hope he never outgrows it!


Don't most 3-year olds insist on doing everything themselves?  He doesn't.  He knows how to buckle himself in the car, but usually just says he wants me to.  Even when Jared teases him saying he doesn't think he can do it, Bridger doesn't bite.  He's not easily tricked, cajoled, bribed, pushed, or teased into anything.  But that's ok because 1. he's an easy going kid so we usually don't need to use those things and 2.  it will serve him well later in life (I hope).

Jared found him in the bathroom the other day reading Reader's Digest.  On the toilet.  Funny kid.

He has quite an imagination.  He can go on and on telling you a story.  He plays with his Batman set for hours each day, pretending about "bad Batman" and "good Batman" and Robin and Penguin and Joker and Mr. Freeze.  He knows all of these characters.  In his head it must be real, because if someone else makes something up, he just can't imagine it.  He always tells you the "right" way to play with his Batman stuff.

He loves to play "Spiderman XBOX" which is actually a computer game we have on our TV.  Their cousin Stephen has it on XBOX, which is why they always call it "Spiderman XBOX."  But I think Stephen must have corrected them last time he was here, because now Bridger calls it "Spiderman XBOX but not really XBOX."  He's actually gotten pretty good at the game.  He beat Stephen a few times, which surprised Stephen quite a bit, but Bridger sat, cool, calm, and collected with a smug look on his face like he never doubted himself.

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