Sunday, October 18, 2009

He's Definitely Almost Two

Our little "baby" of the family is almost 2. And he's trying to prove it. He loves to throw tantrums these days. Here's a picture of him from a few weeks ago. He's in his swim shirt and I don't even remember what the fit was about. But he always takes his hands and covers his eyes and refuses to be calmed down until he's ready. He often throws himself on the floor as well.

This is one from the zoo. The other two boys were eating pudding. He wanted some. You can see here he has the spoon in his hand:

but he has to share and he's dripping it so I took it away. I offered to spoon some into his mouth, but he threw a fit because he wanted to do it himself. If he couldn't do it himself, he didn't want any!

And when I try to get the tantrum on video (so when he's older and he asks what he was like as a child I can pull out this video to show him :), here's what happens:

Within a few minutes, he went from content, to distraught, to distractedly happy. I guess I should count my blessings...

Here are some things he's prone to throwing a fit about (Hello, Improper Grammar):
-Getting dressed
-Getting undressed
-Taking his diaper off
-Putting his diaper on
-Refusing to let him wear underwear without a diaper
-Taking his shoes off
-Putting his shoes on wrong (or the wrong shoes on)
-Buckling him in his car seat
-Not letting him do something himself
-Sharing something (Yes...he will voluntarily share it and then throw a fit that the other person has it)
-Having something taken away (sharp knife, anyone?)
-Sitting/Laying/Reclining while holding him

And here are some things that distract him or resolve the fit:
-Where's your nose? Where are your fingers? etc.
-Letting him do something (like buckling himself or feeding himself)
-Where are your nipples? (He lifts his shirt up and we tickle him - haha)
-Giving him the sharp knife back (just kidding...maybe)
-Putting underwear on over his diaper (once you force the diaper on of course)
-Promising shoes
-Candy or soda, of course
-Give me your silky game (pretending to take it away while repeating "give me your silky")


  1. When you're standing back looking at it, those tantrums sure are hilarious, aren't they? I love the video with Rachel in the background lecturing her kids! lol


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