Friday, September 11, 2009

Back to School, Part 1

I'm back in school. Sort of. I decided to take the H&R Block Tax Preparation class. It's 69 hours long, has a 1000 page textbook (or so-I didn't actually count), costs $99, requires 80% or better, has 4 quizzes, 1 mid-term, 1 final, and is full of 70-year olds. I went to my first class on Thursday, and got my textbook. It's crazy-thick, but thumbing through it I got excited about learning to do the paper forms for taxes, and then learning to use their software to really understand it all. People who graduate are eligible to work for H&R Block as a Tax Professional. Even if I don't end up with a job, it will be a fun class.

Jared has to get the kids to their preschool class and pick them up every Tues/Thurs for the next 3 months. He's extremely supportive of me doing this. He knows that I need a chance to engage my brain and that when I get breaks from the kids, I come home a better mom. He's excited for me because I'm excited about it! It's weird to be back in school, with homework and all, but it will be good for me!


  1. That is exciting! I am always available to babysit.

  2. Awesome! I had no idea you were doing that! Let me know if you ever need my help with the kids!! You know we would love it!

  3. I need to get back in school and finish up... GOOD FOR YOU!

  4. Wow Tara! I'm impressed! Good for you.


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